since last night we have been missing Japan quite abit. its really strange how sometime you just start to miss something, someone, some place alot. is one of those ways i use to curb my missings. the people, the places, the stores, the streets we had went to, suddenly became real again.
personally i feel that one can very much reflex his personality through 3 things he owns. his wallet, his watch and his shoes. the next time when you date a man, try to take note of these 3 things. my favourite shoes for this season is definitely Mr Hare. its very modern but not missing out the details which make a good pair of shoes.
when we finally get our dream camera, we will start to look for something to protect the body since its the dearest toy for the moment, right? well, its the same theory when we always have small bags within big bag. its like a never ending story...we will never find the word The End anyway^^
i never find it difficult to get a present for my male friends/brother/boyfriend. i also never see a point when the male complained about how limited their choices are when come to clothings. in fact, i love mens wear. they are like designing something with many restrictions/red tapes. out of those expected, one can always find something in the detailings that differentiate one normal white shirt from another. take a look at Oki-ni, its definitely one few male online stores that i can't not share with you. Resistance, is the many brands they carry and i must say how much i heart those knitted prints.enjoy^^
Happy New Year everyone^^ one of the first entries for this new year, i shall share with you guys my inspiration for this coming new year. it's none other than Lynn Yaeger, fashion writer for the Village Voice. mix & match is definitely her area of style and age is never in her way. she inspires me to stay original and creative in my own style. way to go Lynn!